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Walking in the footsteps of Abraham’s faith (Rom. 4:17-21)

  Image from Pixabay The apostle Paul has now given us the gospel in perhaps the most comprehensive and systematic form that we have in all the NT.  He has argued, as we have seen, that the gospel is this: that even though every man and woman and boy and girl on this planet is a sinner and justly under the wrath of God and deserving of eternal and irreversible judgment, yet there is a way of escape.  He has told us that this way of escape is not arrived at by trying to shape and create our own righteousness by good works, which is impossible, but that it is received as a gift, by faith, the gift of the righteousness of God, which he provides for us through the redeeming work of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in his life, death, burial, and resurrection. Now it is impossible to read Paul’s letter to the Romans, or really any of Paul’s letters, and to fail to see the fundamental importance and necessity of the role of faith in justification.  It is frankly hard...

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